Video and Audio Consent
Audio and video recordings are for the training and assessment of our Trainee GPs. You do not have to agree to your consultation with the doctor being recorded. If you do not want us to record the consultation, this is not a problem at all, and will not affect the care you receive in any way.
The recording, processing and storage of the consultation will comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and is in line with guidnace of the General Medical Council.
If you do give your consent, then you will have the opportunity to withdraw this at any time in the future, including immediately after the consultation.
If you have received a text and are happy for us to record your consultation please confirm this by responding to the text message YES.
If you do not wish to give consent that is fine, and all you need to do is respond to the text message NO.
You will receive a text after the consultation. If you are happy for us to store and use this recording in line with this policy, then you don't need to do anything else. If you would like to withdraw consent all you need to do is respond to the text with NO.
If you wish to withdraw consent in the future, then you can contact the practice at any time in the future.